Soil and Moisture Conservation
- A total of 1453 check dams will be constructed under this component: 3 earthen check dams of Model I in each JFMC , 2 earthen check dam of model II in each JFMC and 2 RCC check dam of Model III for every 5 JFMC.
- A total of 1269 Brushwood checkdam will be constructed for Gully Plugging in the project area.
- Countour Trenches will be construted on steep hillside over a total of 1125 ha as a soil and moisture conservation measure in project area.
- Mulching and plantation will be carried out over 846 ha around SMC structure for effective moisture conservation in the project area
- The effectiveness of these measures will be studied through a regular system of recording data using appropriate equipment and technology by incorporating best practices and a forest hydrological model suitable for Tripura will be developed.